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Operations & Maintenance

Operations and maintenance encompass the ongoing tasks and procedures required to ensure the smooth functioning, reliability, and longevity of equipment, facilities, and systems within an organization or industry

Together, operations and maintenance form the backbone of any organization, ensuring that resources are utilized effectively, downtime is minimized, and business objectives are achieved

Preventive Maintenance

Time Based Maintenance is being implemented like Batteries, Capacitors, Oil and Lubrications Change etc based on OEM recommendations that is done at a regular interval while the equipment is still functioning with the objective of preventing failure or reducing the likelihood of failure.

Predictive Maintenance

With the advent of Artificial Intelligence and usability of SCADA enables us for doing predictive maintenance for wind turbines.

Corrective Maintenance

Less equipment outages and low production impact by using SCADA for maintaining reset protocols and keep experts pool round the clock near to the Windmill surroundings with fully equipped.

24 / 7 SCADA

SCADA enables us for real time monitoring from remote locations. Graphic User Interface with higher level supervision helps us for smart decisions and better planning for forecasting and predictions to improve the efficiencies further.

State Of Art Technologies

CCTV Installations for full time surveillance of the plant LIDAR measurements for forecasting and wind resource mapping Thermograph measurements for power circuits Non‐Destructive Test by using UT, Infra‐Red alignment, Endoscopy and SPM devices for Stationary and rotationary Components In‐Situ repairs by using UAV, Skylift and Sky climb to access rotor blades and Tower components. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for rotor blade cleaning, Surveillance and transmission line Inspections etc. Crane‐less fixtures for all major Wind turbine components like Rotor, main bearing, Gearbox, Generator etc

Ware House

Strong Supply Chain management, SAP administrates to upkeep Low medium and High value Inventories.

Management Information System

From Daily productions to monthly predictions, Comparisions and Graphical presentations so as to support clients.

Lift Installations

We gift with free lift Installations, so as to inspect hassle free even at night times. Quick response to improve productions.